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Setting the standards in Construction Monitoring.

Identifying the risks involved in financing construction projects.

BC Monitoring Association

The BCMA is an interdisciplinary association of representatives from a wide range of fields including, but not limited to, the finance industry, construction monitoring industry in addition to research and development, all of whom that have the common goal of increasing the value of construction monitoring by means of implementing a high set of standards for construction monitoring on behalf of financial institutions, investors and and capitalproviders.

Specifically, by using an audit approach in order regulate the project audits through the use of standards and regulations implemented by BCMA. These standards bridge the gap between what is required from a construction perspective, and what is required from a financial perspective. Therefore, in addition to the previous and known quantitative approach, the BCMA is for the first time implementing a qualitative audit approach that will allow for a scalable evaluation to the audit results.

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Our Objectives

We develop standardized controlling mechanisms for the risk monitoring within project development financing. We aim to develop consistent standards on basis of effective laws, standards, and regulations on the market and, by this, to offer the foundation for high quality ConstructionMonitoring. ConstructionMonitoring is derived from existing and establishing principles of project management and adheres to the basics of review and audit.

It is our target to enhance knowledge transfer between all of the project members: A high quality of the training in quality and quantity analysis, transparency in the presentation of the risk assessment as well as in the comparability of service proposals. We develop standards in ConstructionMonitoring, impart them and establish them within our professional discipline.


Developing Standards

  • Provide the service scope of ConstructionMonitoring
  • Create transparency
  • Develop standards for the risk management according to “MaRisk”
  • Alleviate the cooperation between capital providers and service providers

Imparting Professional Expertise

  • Improve / Extend professional expertise in ConstructionMonitoring
    (Training / research and development)
  • Impart regulations, standards, and laws
  • Training of service providers in monitoring
  • Certification as ConstructionMonitor

ConstructionMonitoring – Scope

  • the BC-Monitor as interface between builder-owner, funder, and development
  • Clarify demarcation and differences to neighboring professional disciplines
  • Association work with other associations, political organisations

BauMonitoring e.V. (BC-Monitoring)
Geschäftsstelle Hamburg
Willy-Brandt-Str. 1
20457 Hamburg